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Business Storytelling: Best Storyteller Tactics for Tech Companies

Wojtek Jeżowski

August 20, 2023

Table of Content

In today's B2B marketing landscape, technology companies have a remarkable opportunity to elevate their brand through the art of storytelling. Prioritizing quality and crafting unique stories has become paramount for tech leaders and marketers, as revealed in the 13th Annual Content Marketing Survey. Stories possess an extraordinary ability to resonate up to 22 times more than mere facts, as confirmed by Jennifer Aaker's research from Stanford University.

Moreover, insights from the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute highlight the value of storytelling in cultivating brand connections for future activation.

This article is your guide to mastering the art and practice of business storytelling, empowering tech marketers to forge meaningful connections, inspire loyalty, and drive remarkable business growth. If you're eager to craft compelling narratives and practice telling stories that captivate your audience, you've come to the right place.

What are best storyteller tactics for tech businesses: A Sneak Peek into the Article

In this digital age, it's no longer enough for B2B marketers to merely know details about their audience's personas and demographics. Instead, a deep understanding of their pain points, behavior, and the new buyer's journey is paramount.

As technology buyers immerse themselves in hours of B2B content weekly, the idea of standing out from the crowd is vital. Today's savvy shoppers seek authenticity and connection, which makes storytelling a powerful tool in the hands of creative marketers.

In this article, we will explore the best tactics to write and produce captivating narratives that resonate with your target audience, drive engagement, and embed the right story of your company into their hearts and minds.

From crafting and writing a well-structured story with three acts and embracing the idea and practice of the "Southpark rule" to deploying creativity as the secret weapon for likability and distinctiveness, we will embark on a journey to master the storytelling craft.

Moreover, we'll unveil the strategic distribution approach, ensuring your stories become a gripping ecosystem that thrives, even in the mysterious realms of "dark social." To conclude, we will share some of our favorite B2B technology videos. So, prepare to revolutionize your storytelling game and leave an indelible mark on the technology industry.

But let's start with some stats. Everyone loves good stats!

Compelling Story: What is the significance for your business?

Here are some concrete reasons why business storytelling is key in today's B2B landscape:

  • A team at MIT found that 90% of the information processed by the brain is in the form of visuals, not words.
  • Ehrenberg-Bass revealed that 95% of B2B buyers are not currently in the market for products, emphasizing long-term goals over short-term sales for B2B marketers.
  • Millennial B2B technology buyers are in the majority, and prefer brand stories for a deeper connection, authenticity, and engagement while also favoring fully automated purchasing processes and minimal sales contact.
  • 74% of brands aim to cover unique stories to differentiate their brands and content from competitors, according to Content Marketing Institute.
  • Storytelling in company communications has a direct impact on consumer purchasing behavior, supported by research.
  • McKinsey & Company's research shows that 71% of consumers prefer brands that offer personalized interactions.
  • Time Inc. reported that 90% of consumers prefer personalized content when engaging with brands.
  • 77% of CEOs prioritize transforming customer interactions, making storytelling integration vital for business growth.

As marketers navigate the ever-evolving B2B landscape, it becomes evident that storytelling plays a crucial role in connecting with millennial buyers, transforming customer interactions, and leaving a lasting impact. Thus, the potential of storytelling to forge authentic and engaging connections with customers cannot be underestimated.

Now, let's explore the best tactics and storytelling techniques that you can employ to master the art and practice of storytelling and make better stories to captivate your audience.

Not knowing much about the basics of business storytelling? Click here and read how understanding tech B2B storytelling can make a difference for your company.

Tactic 1: Unveiling the Target Audience Enigma

Unearthing the Unseen Depths: beyond personas, demographics, and pain points

When it comes to knowing your audience, delving deeper than just personas, demographics, and pain points can lead to remarkable connections.

Understanding their core values, aspirations, and behavior allows technology marketers to craft narratives that truly resonate with customers.

Explore why humanizing B2B videos has a huge impact on effective storytelling techniques for tech B2B content.

A Journey Unveiled: Decoding the New Buyers' Odyssey

The B2B technology realm is undergoing a significant shift, with longer sales cycles and traditional lead-generation methods losing effectiveness. According to the "2022 B2B Buying Disconnect: The Age of the Self-Serve Buyer," almost all buyers prefer self-service during their journey, with cold calling being a major deterrent.

This means buyers conduct independent research through review sites, peers, and forums, making their journey hard to track until they search for your business or product on Google.

To succeed, technology marketers must understand buyers' behaviors and preferences at every stage (including how and where they consume B2B content), from awareness to decision-making, to tailor their storytelling for a lasting impact.

Click here and get to know more about video storytelling in tech lead generation.

Hidden Realms: Research and Dark Social

To captivate the B2B decision-makers, it is vital to research their content preferences and tailor brand storytelling accordingly. Personalized, authentic narratives stand out amidst generic explainers, fostering a meaningful connection and driving interest.

Embracing dark social, which includes private messaging apps, email, and other non-public channels, enables reach and engagement in valuable conversations with their audience.

To take advantage of the dark social:

  • Identify Dark Social Platforms: Discover and engage with online communities, closed groups, and forums relevant to your target audience.
  • Build Authentic Relationships: Focus on building genuine connections by offering valuable knowledge and responding promptly to inquiries. That's how you create a community.
  • Produce Shareable Content: Craft captivating stories that evoke emotions and resonate with your audience's values for organic sharing.
  • Encourage Word-of-Mouth: Address customer queries and concerns promptly to stimulate positive word-of-mouth referrals.
  • Track and Analyze: Implement tracking mechanisms to monitor dark social interactions and gain inputs for refining your content strategy.

The Humorous Enigma: Make the most of Reddit's Memes and Jokes

When pain points get out of hand, the hardcore user group tends to create memes and jokes to talk about their troubles. Use that to your advantage.

Peering into this seemingly lighthearted zone (Google Images or Reddit forums) offers a unique lens into the very life and cultural pulse of their audience.

Apart from being an invaluable source of insight, jokes, and memes can inspire your stories. With a dash of humor and a sprinkle of wit, marketers can initiate narratives and ideas that break barriers, connect authentically, and foster lasting relationships that withstand the test of time. (P.S. This is one secret no one would tell you)

Tactic 2: Crafting a Framework for Great Stories

Unfolding a Story: The 3 Act-Structure

Just like a classic narrative, tech marketers can structure their stories into three acts – the setup, the confrontation, and the resolution. This approach creates a clear and engaging flow, drawing the audience into the journey and keeping them captivated until the end. Such a structure can be used on multiple levels within one video to grab the audience's attention throughout the story.

Swift and Impactful Narratives: Embracing the Southpark Rule

Embrace the "but & therefore" rule, a powerful storytelling technique used by the creators of South Park, to craft captivating narratives. By swiftly intertwining key plot elements with transition words like "but" for conflict and "therefore" for resolution, marketers can build dynamic and relevant stories that captivate audiences and remain responsive to ever-changing trends and customer interests.

Seamlessly Embedding Your Brand: Beyond Punchlines

While humor can be a powerful tool, marketers need to go beyond the point of writing mere punchlines and aim to embed their business or product within the story seamlessly. By making it an integral part of the story rather than just an afterthought, you can help your customers remember your brand when they are compiling a vendor shortlist.

Tactic 3: Having a Strategic Approach

A well-crafted storytelling strategy is the key to effectively engaging potential buyers at every stage of their journey. Let's delve into the core elements of a successful strategic storytelling approach that can elevate your business presence and drive conversions:

Content for Each Stage of the Buyer's Journey

Recognizing the diverse needs of buyers throughout their journey is fundamental. Tailoring storytelling content for each stage, from initial discovery to final decision-making, allows marketers to help their customers move along their buyer's journey.

And please remember that when buyers talk to their colleagues and ask for opinions, they share a lot of content as well.

So make sure your content is easily sharable. Click here and check how leveraging vertical videos with storytelling tactics can help you out.

Building Awareness with Captivating Ads

At the outset of the buyers' journey, brand awareness is the foundation for success. By harnessing compelling ads, a tech business can achieve a solid first impression and make its mark with the customers and also within the industry.

Strategic storytelling in ads can evoke emotion, spark curiosity, and leave a lasting memory, thus setting the stage for deeper engagement.

Click here and read more about business storytelling for tech product launches.

Explainers, Testimonials, and Unforgettable Events

As buyers progress in their research, providing them with valuable resources becomes essential. Engaging explainers demystify complex concepts, while authentic testimonials establish trust and credibility.

Creating effective explainer videos with storytelling is tough...no it's not read this article!

Hosting memorable events, whether in-person or virtual, offers a unique opportunity to immerse potential customers in the brand story, forging genuine connections that resonate.

Click here and read about the use of storytelling in the best B2B tech explainer videos.

Demos and Persuasive Sales Content

In the final stages of the buyers' journey, when prospects are ready to make decisions, storytelling remains a powerful tool. Delivering captivating product demos, supported by persuasive sales content, enables marketers to address specific pain points and showcase their offerings as the ideal solution.

By crafting narratives that focus on the buyer's achievements, a business ad campaign can tip the scales in its favor and drive conversions.

Tactic 4: Being Creative: going beyond the obvious

Understanding the Buyer's Behavior: Standing Out in a Sea of Content

As mentioned earlier, understanding buyer behavior is essential to creating content that resonates. Modern buyers conduct extensive research, consuming hours of B2B content weekly. To stand out amidst this information overload, marketers need to tap into their creativity and deliver unique, compelling narratives.

By understanding what motivates their audience and aligning their stories with these preferences, a business can stand out tall in crowded and, let's be honest, mostly bland digital spaces.

Moreover, B2B marketers need to remember about implementing right visual storytelling strategies for tech companies, if it sounds interesting click here and read detailed article on that process.

The Timeless Allure of Creativity: A Long-lasting Impact

Creativity possesses a remarkable attribute—it defies the ephemeral nature of passing trends. While marketing tactics may change frequently, creativity maintains its supremacy, with stories leaving a lasting impact on the audience.

By infusing their storytelling with inventive new ideas, tech marketers can craft narratives that transcend time, resonating with audiences long after the initial encounter. A dash of creativity ensures that stories endure, leaving a memorable imprint in the minds of customers.

As creative content remains relevant for longer, it also has an impact on your budget. Creative content is excellent for refreshing and reusing it over several seasons.

Building Likability: Leaving a Lasting Impression in Minds and Hearts

Likability holds the key to building enduring connections with the audience. This likability factor enhances the audience's ability to remember and emotionally connect with the brand.

Likability can also be measured very effectively and is a predictor of sales growth.

As potential buyers navigate the complex B2B landscape, the warmth and appeal generated by a good story can be the deciding factor that keeps a brand etched in their memory.

Fostering Shareability: Forging Strong Connections through Connective Content

In today's digital age, the measure of content's impact lies in its shareability. Content that resonates with the audience on an emotional level is more likely to be shared across various platforms.

Creative narratives that strike a chord inspire the audience to become passionate supporters, expanding the brand's reach organically, especially during the buyers' research phase.

Setting Yourself Apart: Breaking Free from the Monotony of the Norm

In a sea of sameness, creative storytelling offers a lifeline for marketers to differentiate their brands. By breaking free from conventional narratives and embracing uniqueness, companies can carve their distinct identity.

A creatively woven story sets them apart as innovative thought leaders and trailblazers in their industry. By stepping away from the norms, marketers have the opportunity to become pioneers, captivating the audience's attention and leading the way toward success.

Tactic 5: Distribute like crazy: Embrace the Content Distribution Ecosystem

Leveraging Dark Social with Micro Content

In the age of social media dominance, dark social channels like private messaging apps, email, and secure forums play a pivotal role in content sharing. Embracing the potential of dark social allows tech marketers to create tailored micro-content, with features specifically designed for these platforms.

By optimizing content for private sharing and ensuring it aligns with the preferences of audiences in these spaces, marketers can unlock the potential of this hidden content-sharing realm.

Building a Comprehensive Content Distribution Ecosystem

Content distribution is not a one-size-fits-all approach. To effectively distribute content like crazy, it requires a well-thought-out ecosystem that encompasses multiple channels and formats. This ecosystem should include a mix of social media platforms, email marketing, influencer collaborations, content syndication, and more.

By diversifying distribution channels and formats, a tech company can ensure that its content reaches a broader and more diverse audience, amplifying its impact and fostering long-term engagement.

Have to decide which video form your marketing strategy needs? Click here and read about storytelling in long-form B2B videos.

The Influence of User-Generated Content (UGC)

User-generated content, or content created and shared by customers or users, can be a powerful tool in content distribution. Encouraging and incentivizing customers to create, write and share stories and content related to the organization, company, or product generates authentic and trustworthy recommendations.

UGC not only extends the reach of the organization and content but also establishes a strong sense of community and credibility, fostering loyalty and advocacy.

Optimizing for Search Engines

While distributing content across various channels is essential, ensuring that it is discoverable through search engines is equally crucial. Tech firms should invest in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategies to rank higher in search results for relevant keywords and topics.

By optimizing content for search engines, companies can attract organic traffic, widen their audience base, and capture the attention of users actively searching for solutions that align with their offerings.

Cross-Promotion and Collaborations

Collaborating with other brands, influencers, or industry experts opens up new avenues for content distribution. Through cross-promotion, businesses can tap into each other's audiences, leveraging their reach and credibility to boost visibility.

Collaborations can also add a fresh perspective and diverse insights, making the content more appealing to a broader audience.

Now that we've explored the tactics, it's time to dive into some inspiring stories and examples of tech companies that have mastered the art of storytelling through video content.

Bursting with Brilliance - Black Rabbit's Top 10 (BR10) Video Picks!

We adore our team and work with video storytelling, but we are never shy of appreciating others for a job well done!

Behold our top 10 B2B videos that have stories that we absolutely adore and insist you dive into! The first five are the masters of Awareness, gracefully whisking you into their world with captivating tales of life.

And just when you thought the fun was over, buckle up for a thrilling ride with numbers 6 to 10 - the Mid-Funnel education squad!

Mind you; they aren't ranked - we simply can't pick a favorite because they're all so darn authentic.

  1. Adobe. Acrobat's got it
  1. Crowdstrike: Troy
  1. Intel rockstars
  1. Matomo: Googleheimer
  1. Slack
  1. Webflow
  1. Zendesk
  1. Salesforce
  1. Trend Micro
  1. Mailchimp

Ready to harness the power of storytelling for your B2B marketing videos?

Contact our team to infuse your videos with humor, creativity, and viral potential, ensuring your company thrives on every platform.

Don't miss out – let's revolutionize your storytelling and make your mark in the digital world!

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