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Connected TV Advertising: Is your B2B Brand Missing out on the Biggest Screen in the Room

Wojtek Jeżowski

September 27, 2024

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It's prime time on a Friday night, and your ideal client is kicking back on their couch, streaming the latest episode of their favorite show. They've traded their laptop for a remote, their phone for a bowl of popcorn, and their focus is locked onto that massive screen. Now imagine your B2B brand's message appearing – but instead of an annoying interruption, it's a captivating story that speaks directly to their needs and challenges.

That's the art of Connected TV (CTV) advertising done right.

It's not about bombarding viewers with irrelevant ads; it's about delivering targeted, engaging content that leaves a lasting impression. And with a projected $24.4 billion being poured into CTV advertising in 2024 (according to eMarketer), it's the hottest ticket in town for B2B marketers who want to make a real impact. Don't get left behind while your competitors steal the show. Let's dive into why CTV is a game-changer channel for B2B and uncover the secrets to making your campaigns truly shine on the big screen.

What the heck is Connected TV advertising?

Your grandpa's old Zenith television – you know, the one that doubled as a workout when you had to move it – is now a sleek, internet-connected marvel. Gone are the days of fuzzy rabbit ears and clunky cable boxes; it's all about streaming services, endless apps, and a universe of content delivered right to your couch.

That's where Connected TV (CTV) advertising steps in. It's like your brand hitching a ride on the streaming express, delivering targeted ads directly to viewers' screens while they binge-watch their favorite shows.

But don't picture those old-school, cheesy commercials with earworm jingles. CTV is a whole different ball game. We're talking laser-focused, data-driven ads that actually resonate with your target audience. Think of it as your brand whispering sweet nothings in their ear while they're relaxing on the sofa.

7 Best connected tv advertising examples for B2B so far!

Don't let anyone tell you that B2B advertising is all about dry data sheets and snooze-worthy webinars. These 7 CTV ads prove that you can capture attention, spark engagement, and drive results on the big screen, all while staying true to your B2B brand:

Monday.com: "Organize your life and...work"

Salesforce: "Wow Your Customers with Salesforce Customer 360"

Intuit: "A Giant Story"

Zoom: "Welcome to Zoom Workplace"

IBM: "Let's create more time for your business"

Microsoft: "Our Mission"

Accenture: "IT Recruitment"

These examples showcase the diversity of approaches B2B brands can take with CTV advertising. Whether it's humor, emotional storytelling, customer testimonials, or a focus on innovation, the key is to create ads that resonate with your target audience and leave a lasting impression.

The rise of the CTV empire: From downloads to streaming domination

CTV advertising might seem like a new kid on the block, but its roots trace back to the mid-2000s. Remember when you could download shows from iTunes to watch on your iPod? That was the early spark of over-the-top (OTT) video content, the precursor to today's CTV.

Fast forward to 2007, when Netflix dipped its toes into the streaming waters. A year later, Hulu joined the party. These platforms quickly gained traction, disrupting the traditional TV landscape and paving the way for a new era of viewing habits.

By 2011, Netflix had amassed a staggering 21.6 million subscribers, a number that has now skyrocketed to 270 million paid subscribers and reported a revenue of over $9.4 billion in the first quarter of 2024. The rise of CTV devices like Apple TV and Roku further fueled the streaming frenzy, making it easier than ever for viewers to access their favorite content on the big screen.

The Anatomy of a CTV Ad: Beyond the Basics

What exactly does a CTV ad look like? While they share some similarities with traditional TV commercials, there are some key differences that make them a powerful tool for B2B marketers:

Format: CTV ads aren't confined to the traditional 30-second format. They can be short and sweet, or long and informative, depending on your message and goals. You can even create interactive ads that invite viewers to engage with your brand in real-time.

Targeting: CTV platforms are data powerhouses, allowing you to target audiences with advertisements based on demographics, interests, viewing habits, and even purchase intent. This means you can reach your ideal customer with pinpoint accuracy, delivering ads that are relevant and impactful.

Measurement: Forget the guesswork of traditional TV advertising. CTV offers granular analytics services that track impressions, reach, frequency, view-through rates, and conversions. This data empowers you to fine-tune your campaigns and maximize your ROI.

Creative: CTV ads are mini-masterpieces that leverage the power of sight, sound, and motion to captivate viewers. Think cinematic visuals, compelling narratives, and creative executions that leave a lasting impression on your target audience.

The B2B gold rush

While B2C brands have been all over CTV for a while, B2B companies are just starting to catch on to this marketing goldmine. That means less competition and a wider open field for your brand to make a splash. Amazon's recent Upfronts event highlighted this shift, emphasizing that B2B marketers are recognizing the power of CTV to reach key decision-makers in a more relaxed and receptive environment.

So, if you're ready to ditch the outdated marketing playbook and embrace the future of B2B advertising, hop aboard the CTV express. It's time to make your brand the star of the show on the biggest screen in the house.

Why CTV is Your B2B BFF (Best Friend Forever)?

Move over, LinkedIn. There's a new player in the B2B marketing game, and it's got a bigger screen and a whole lot more potential. Here's why CTV is the marketing wingman your brand deserves:

Primetime attention: Think about your own habits. When you're truly focused on something, it's usually on the biggest screen in the room – your TV. Various reports from different parts of the world suggest that adults spend over 1/3 of their wake time on CTV. That's a captive audience you can't afford to ignore, especially when they're relaxed and receptive to your message.

Laser-focused targeting: Ditch the megaphone approach and embrace the scalpel. CTV advertising isn't about casting a wide net to target market and hoping for the best. It's about surgical precision, targeting specific demographics, interests, locations, and even viewing habits. Want to reach data-savvy CFOs in the manufacturing sector who are also avid Formula 1 fans? No problem.

What's more, while other digital advertising channels grapple with the challenges of dwindling third-party data and marketing strategies, CTV is thriving thanks to partnerships between streamers and retail media networks. These collaborations have unleashed a treasure trove of first-party data, giving you unprecedented insights into your target audience's behavior and preferences. This means your B2B message can find its mark with laser-like accuracy, minimizing wasted impressions and maximizing impact.

Amazon's Freevee, for example, boasts a unique combination of premium content and ad-supported streaming, offering B2B advertisers a cost-effective way to reach engaged audiences at scale.

The metrics don't lie: Remember the days of throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what stuck? Those days are over. CTV advertising provides granular campaign analytics that track impressions, reach, frequency, view-through rates, and even conversions. This data goldmine gives you the insights you need to optimize your campaigns and make every dollar count.

Brand building, blockbuster style: CTV ads are more than just commercials; they're cinematic experiences. With stunning visuals, immersive sound, and compelling storytelling, you can create a lasting brand impression that resonates with your target audience. Think of it as your own mini-Super Bowl ad, but without the million-dollar price tag.

Untapped potential: While B2C brands have been hogging the CTV spotlight, many B2B companies are just starting to catch on. This means less competition and a wider open field for your brand to stake its claim. According to a 2023 study by Advertiser Perceptions, 62% of B2B marketers plan to increase their CTV ad spending in the coming year.

Moreover, in the US 43% of advertisers plan to cut traditional TV spendings in favor of CTV. Amazon's recent Upfronts event also highlighted this trend, with data showing a significant increase in B2B ad spending on CTV platforms. It's time to jump on the bandwagon before it leaves the station!

Best practices for using TV in your marketing efforts

Know your Target Audience (and their streaming habits)

Before you even think about hitting that "record" button, get to know your target audience like you're BFFs. What are their pain points? What shows do they binge-watch? What devices are they glued to? The more you know your prospective customers, the more you can tailor your ads to speak directly to their needs and desires. Amazon's insights reveal that B2B buyers are just as likely to be influenced by emotional appeals as B2C consumers. Use this to your advantage by crafting CTV ads that connect with their aspirations and challenges.

Pro tip: Don't just rely on demographics. Dig deeper into psychographic data – values, interests, lifestyle – to create ads that resonate with target customers on a personal level.

Data is your dragon (But don't get burned)

CTV targeting platform is a treasure trove of data, but tread carefully. Use IP addresses, demographics, and viewing behavior to reach the right people, but always prioritize privacy and transparency.

Pro tip: Partner with reputable CTV platforms and data providers who adhere to privacy regulations and industry best practices.

Create Ads that don't suck or interrupt (They enchant)

Your CTV ad isn't just a commercial break; it's a chance to tell a story, spark emotions, and create a memorable brand experience. Think of it as a mini-movie trailer for your company.

Pro tip: Use high-quality visuals, clear audio, and a compelling narrative that showcases your product or service in action. And don't forget a strong call to action (CTA) that encourages viewers to take the next step.

Optimize for the Silver Screen (or at least the flat screen)

CTV ads are meant to be seen on big screens, so make sure your visuals are bold and your text is easy to read. Don't cram too much information into a single frame – keep it simple, elegant, and impactful.

Pro tip: Test your ads on different devices and screen sizes to ensure they look stunning across the board.

Track everything, like a Hawk (but don't get lost in the data)

CTV's measurability is its superpower. Unlike traditional TV advertising, which often felt like throwing darts in the dark, CTV offers a wealth of trackable data.

You can monitor impressions (how many times your ad was shown), reach (how many unique viewers saw your ad), frequency (how often the same person saw your ad), view-through rate (VTR), click-through rate (CTR), and even conversions. This allows you to optimize your marketing campaigns almost in real time and make data-driven decisions that maximize your return on investment (ROI).

Pro tip: Utilize CTV advertising platforms and analytics tools to access detailed reports that break down your ad performance by audience segment, device, and other factors. This granular data can reveal hidden insights and help you fine-tune your targeting strategies.

Don't miss the boat (or the prime viewing slots)

CTV is a rapidly growing market, and ad inventory is a hot commodity. To ensure your ads reach the right audience, you need to understand their viewing habits.

Pro tip: Analyze when your target audience is most likely to be streaming. Are they early morning news watchers, evening binge-watchers, or weekend sports enthusiasts? By aligning your ad placements with their viewing patterns, you can maximize your impact and avoid wasting ad spend on empty screens.

B2B Video Ads Done Right: More Than Meets the Eye

  1. Storytelling Trumps Sales Pitch: B2B buyers are human too! They connect with stories that resonate with their challenges and aspirations. Ditch the dry product demos and weave a narrative that speaks to their pain points and offers solutions.
  2. Tailor Your Message: One size does NOT fit all in the CTV landscape. Craft unique ads for each target audience segment, considering their demographics, interests, and viewing habits. Speak their language, and they'll listen.
  3. Big Screen, Big Impact: CTV is a visual medium, so make it count! Craft visually stunning ads with bold imagery, clear typography, and a strong call to action that pops on the big screen.
  4. Format Frenzy: Don't limit yourself to traditional pre-roll ads. Explore interactive formats that engage viewers and gather valuable insights.
  5. Call in the Cavalry: CTV advertising can be a complex beast. If you're feeling overwhelmed, don't hesitate to partner with us. We'll help you navigate the landscape and create campaigns that deliver results.

The Bottom Line: Your B2B Brand Needs CTV (Like Yesterday)

Connected TV advertising isn't just a fad; it's the growing present of B2B marketing. With its unparalleled reach, laser-focused targeting, and measurable results, CTV is the ultimate weapon for conquering the big screen and capturing the hearts and minds of your ideal clients and customers.

Imagine transforming your brand awareness, generating a flood of high-quality leads, and skyrocketing your sales, all while your competitors are still stuck in the dark ages of traditional advertising. That's the power of CTV in a nutshell.

The Future of CTV: Don't Just Watch, Participate!

The CTV revolution is showing no signs of slowing down, and the possibilities for B2B brands are endless. Interactive ads, personalized experiences, and even Spotify's "Wrapped for Advertisers" are just the tip of the iceberg.

So, what are you waiting for? Don't let this golden opportunity slip through your fingers. It's time to ditch the old business playbook and embrace the future of B2B advertising.

Ready to Make CTV?

Talk to us today to learn how our team of video and digital marketing experts can help you create and execute a CTV strategy that delivers real results. Let's make some magic together!

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